
Mount Kailash and Lhasa Tour is a pilgrimage and cultural tour within the most famous part of Tibet. The tour covers holy sites in western Tibet, Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar. It also covers the historical monuments in central Tibet at Lhasa, Gyantse and Shigatse. Nepal Highland Treks provide you best option with the best cost to reach Lhasa and Mount Kailash. We make your memorial tour.

Lies in the western part of Tibet, Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar hold important holy places for Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Bon. Accept that it is also a dream destination for nature and adventure lovers. Lake Mansarovar is a freshwater holy lake at the base of Mount Kailash which is at an elevation of 4590 meters. The biggest river of Asia like Indus, Brahmaputra, Karnali and Sutlej are beginning from Kailash Mansarovar region. Thousand of peoples visit Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar every year in best season from May to October month. The main part of this tour is three days Kailash Parikrama, walking around Mount Kailash. This content three days hiking and one-day hiking is tough including 5600 meters high pass Dolma La.

This trip begins from Lhasa. You have the option to arrive Lhasa from mainland China or from Kathmandu Nepal. Three nights staying in Lhasa with visiting of main monuments help you to acclimatization your body in high altitude. Historical places like Potala Palace, Jokhang temple, Norbulinka palace, Sera monastery, Drepung monastery and Barkhor squire are a list of visiting while you are in Lhasa. Next historical cities Shigatse and Gyantse are on the way of driving in our Lhasa to Kailash MansarovarTour package. Tashilampo Monastery at Shigatse, Yamdrok Lake one the way driving and visit Gyantse Zhong. After visiting central Tibet and its historical places, we got to enter western Tibet from Saga. Driving route explore your panoramic Himalayan views with lots of decorative high passes. Typical landscape, direct touch with local peoples and their typical Tibetan cultures are fascinating in Mount Kailash and Lhasa Tour.    

Lhasa to Kailash Mansarovar Tour

Lhasa to Kailash Mansarovar Tour is another most stunning and amazing trip we have. Most of our tour in Mount Kailash and Lhasa run as group joining. If you want to make it your private tour, this is possible with your own requirement and customizing tour plan. Nepal Highland Treks provide best group coordinator and our team members to make your trip memorial. You can fully trust our professional Tibetan and Nepali guides who are the leading group in central and western Tibet since a long time and have experience of explaining local cultures, places. This tour itinerary can be customized with some other famous destination in Tibet like Everest base camp, Guge valley, Namtso Lake, Indus river valley and many more. 

It is now good news that Kailash Overland Tour is open via Kerung border from 2017 September. This route is the shortest route to reach Manasarovar and Mount Kailash. Nepal Highland Treks starting booking of Kailash Overland tour for May to September months of 2018. 

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